Magento and MYOB integration

Magento and MYOB integration

MYOB Magento connector

provides comprehensive automated synchronization between your website and various MYOB versions, including:
  • Magento + MYOB AccountRight Classic

  • Magento + MYOB AccountRight Live

  • Magento + MYOB RetailManager

DataLink offers to

link MYOB with Magento 2

versions as well as with previous Magento v1.9. editions.

Automate data transfer

with the following main features:
  • Synchronize products

    : DataLink allows

    upload products from MYOB

    to Magento effortlessly.
  • Download sales orders

    : automatically transfer Magento sales orders to MYOB.
  • Automate stock updates
    : keep product quantities up-to-date by syncing from MYOB to Magento.
Development and Installation
Choose from a range of predefined features or request a custom-built integration solution tailored to your needs.
Our authorized staff provides remote installation and development services free of charge, ensuring that
automated data sync
is configured and scheduled according to your business requirements.
Should you consider integrating with other accounting software, we are happy to offer
Xero and Magento
QuickBooks and Magento
connectors as well.

The MYOB Magento connector streamlines your e-commerce and accounting processes, reducing manual data entry and keeping your systems in sync.

from £395.00
a quote

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