eBay/Amazon and MYOB integration

Ebay Amazon
eBay/Amazon and MYOB integration

Enhance your business efficiency with the DataLink

Amazon and eBay connector

for MYOB. This fast and straightforward integration solution allows you to streamline your operations by seamlessly linking your

eBay Amazon and MYOB

versions (AccountRight Classic, AccountRight Live or RetailManager) to synchronize your business data including

product management

, accurate stock figures,

automated orders processing

and status updates.


Key Benefits of DataLink Integration:

  • Manage inventory

    from one system, ensuring accurate stock figures and reducing the risk of overselling or stockouts.
  • Automate orders processing and status updates, making your fulfillment process more efficient and less prone to errors.
  • Say goodbye to the tedious and error-prone task of manual data entry. DataLink ensures that your data is synchronized accurately and automatically.
  • Keep your item prices up-to-date according to your custom rules, ensuring competitive pricing across all your sales channels.
  • Synchronize eBay and Amazon sales orders and customer data into MYOB, providing you with a comprehensive view of your sales and customer interactions.
  • Export products

    and pricing from MYOB to your Amazon and eBay stores, ensuring consistency across all platforms.
  • Update inventory

    levels from MYOB to your Amazon and eBay stores, maintaining accurate stock figures and enhancing inventory management.

Contact us today to learn more about how DataLink can simplify your business processes and improve your efficiency.

from £395.00
a quote

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